© RICK DALLAS 20121    ::    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED     ::    EMAIL ME    ::    770 901 9259

Creative genius?

Wow...I don’t think so. I was taken aback when a client used that phrase to describe me. There is no magic or secret sauce. It really is about listening and being open to all the possibilities and having the courage to give it a shot – without fear of looking foolish.

But creativity is not just about getting attention – it is about getting the right attention. Putting your product or service in the best light that reveals your Unique Selling Proposition. This is the essence of setting you apart from others in your industry.

I have been fortunate to have worked for some truly remarkable clients. From Fortune 500 companies to individuals with their own start-ups. And I’ve had a talented supporting cast of co-workers and excellent vendors.

But my overwhelming preference is to hear that I have earned my client’s trust.

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